7 Realistic and Healthy Habits to Get Rid of Cellulite Fast

by | Feb 15, 2021 | Health, Lifestyle | 0 comments

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Ladies, today’s topic is one that has plagued us all at some point or another: cellulite! Most people want to know: How to get rid of cellulite fast? That’s what I’m here to answer.

The word that shall not be said. Just kidding. In reality, cellulite is normal.

Most women have it somewhere on their bodies, and it’s a sign that we are all human.

But, I can understand that it makes women feel self-conscious. That’s why I’m going to show you how to get rid of cellulite fast but in a realistic way.

Lots of gurus out there promote medical and spa products that claim to make your cellulite “disappear.” Don’t buy that stuff. It doesn’t work.

Cellulite has a mind of its own, and it may not be possible to make it go away completely.

But, you can definitely lessen its appearance with certain hacks.

Cellulite is a product of your lifestyle, what you put in your body, and how active you are. Those really are the three main components.

So, I’m going to share with you 7 realistic and healthy ways to get rid of cellulite fast and easy.

Is this going to happen overnight? Absolutely not.

But, with consistency and determination, you will start to see that cottage cheese-like skin texture start to diminish.

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Alright, I’ll stop rambling and get into the cellulite tips!

1. Dry Brushing Regularly

Woman in Black Shirt and White Panty Sitting on White Table

One of the most effective ways to get rid of cellulite is to practice dry brushing at least 3-5 times a week.

Basically, this process uses a dense body brush to jumpstart lymphatic drainage, break down fat cells, and eliminate the accumulation of toxins within the fat layers.

To put it in simpler terms, massaging your body will get the blood flow going and break up the chunks of fat cells that create cellulite.

You can get these brushes super cheap from Amazon or most drugstores. Click here for my favorite body brush from Amazon.

I normally dry brush around 3-5 times a week before hopping in the shower, making sure to concentrate on the areas where I know my cellulite is more obvious.

2. Use a Coffee Scrub

Brown Coffee Beans

Because coffee contains caffeine, it will temporarily minimize the appearance of cellulite and tighten the skin.

For a more permanent result, you’ll need to incorporate this scrub into your shower routine at least 4-5 times a week.

I get my coffee scrub from Amazon for only ten bucks and it lasts me a long time. A little bit goes a long way!

3. Eat Less Sugar and Fatty Foods

Photo of Cheeseburger And French Fries

There is no way around this one. It’s crucial to getting rid of cellulite.

There is no way you will be able to lessen the appearance of fat if your diet consists of high sugar and fat content. That’s just a fact.

I’m not saying to cut out ALL sugar and fat. I’m all about moderation, not deprivation.

But, if your diet is unhealthy and unbalanced, you will continue seeing cellulite no matter what other tips and tricks you try.

This is the first tip you need to attack. Analyze what you eat and make sure it is centered around protein, high fiber foods, and moderation.

As soon as my diet starts to get loose, I always notice an increase in my cellulite. That gives me a sign that I need to reign it in and get back on the straight and narrow.

4. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Woman Drinking Water

Cellulite begins to appear more extreme when your body is dehydrated. As always, water is the key to everything.

Make the conscious effort to drink LOTS of water every day. If you need to, get a gallon-size water bottle from Amazon so you’ll be motivated to drink it all everyday.

I’ve got myself a bright pink one, and it reminds me to always sip some water throughout the day.

You can also add some fruits to give the water some flavor if you want to spice things up.

The point is that drinking water and staying hydrated will passively help get rid of cellulite without you having to do much.

5. Exercise Regularly

Photo of Woman Doing Yoga

For all your lazier folks out there, I’m sorry to disappoint, but exercising will be essential if you want to get rid of cellulite.

The active burning of calories through excessive movement will naturally decrease the fat throughout your body.

Depending on where you have cellulite, you’ll want your exercise to target those certain areas.

For some, that will mean focusing on the butt and thighs. For others, it may be the arms.

The point is the mix cardio with strength training throughout the week to decrease the dimpley appearance.

For home workout gear suggestions, check out this article: 10 Amazon Workout Essentials for Toning and Weight Loss

Aim to exercise at least 3 times a week, ultimately trying to get up to 4-5. Always go as hard as you can during your workouts so that your body can truly benefit!

6. Stay Consistent

Defocused content young female doing bicep exercise with dumbbells during functional training in light studio

You will NOT see results in your cellulite if you don’t stay consistent. It’s that simple.

Dry brushing a few times within a month won’t do anything. Exercising once every two weeks won’t do anything.

You need to set weekly goals for yourself and stick to them.

If that means working out twice a week, then so be it. But actually aim to follow through with that plan.

Cellulite is a monster that reappears due to inconsistency over time. If you really want to become healthier, you need a plan.

Woohoo! Anyone who knows me knows I love me some consistency!

You can do it. All you gotta do is think ahead and be ready to follow through.

7. Be Confident

Back view of crop anonymous young female in white bra and panties holding fresh delicate tulip flower against beige background

Cellulite is normal. It’s something that happens to 90% of women at some point in their lives.

Not to get too mushy, but we women are led to believe that cellulite is something that makes us flawed.

That is NOT true.

We are human. Our bodies are complex machines that perform a million different functions everyday.

Don’t let anyone make you feel self-conscious or weird about having some cellulite on your body.

In the end, it’s truly not that big of a deal. It’s not like anyone will be staring at your skin trying to analyze you (LOL).

It’s a good thing to want to become healthier and more fit. But, don’t let appearances be the guiding force behind your fitness journey.

Take these steps to feel better, not just to look better.

In the end, no one will care about any flaws if you exude confidence!

If you’ve been wondering how to decrease body dimples in realistic and healthy ways, I’ve just given you 7 tips for getting rid of that cellulite!

Whether it’s lifestyle changes or workout routines, these methods are ones that you can realistically implement in your day-to-day life to start seeing the results you want.

Just remember this. You can do it. You are capable of changing your fitness lifestyle. You’ve got this.

Stay consistent, determined, and motivated! Soon enough, you’ll start to see those bangin’ results you’ve been wanting for so long!

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below!

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Are you tired of having cellulite? Here are 7 realistic and healthy tips to get rid of cellulite right now.

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[…] 7 Realistic and Healthy Habits to Get Rid of Cellulite Right Now […]

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