Ace Any Class with These 5 Study Hacks

by | Dec 3, 2020 | Lifestyle, Study Tips | 0 comments

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Have you been struggling to get good grades in some classes at school? If so, don’t worry. This happens to everyone.

School is just one of those things that takes some figuring out. You have to discover what works for you in order to ace any and every school course.

Luckily, I have discovered several hacks that have made it nearly impossible to do badly in a class.

Now, I’m not claiming that these are miracle tips that will turn an F into an A+.

Like anything else, you are going to have to put in the work to see the results.

Don’t fret….results are more than possible when it comes to grades.

You just have to know what works and what doesn’t.

I’m here to help you figure that out.

I’m going to share the 5 best hacks to ace any class in school. Combining these tips will give you a clear path towards an A if you’re willing to put in the work.

I am proud to say that I’ve been a straight A student since elementary school, so I definitely know a little bit about what works to ace those classes.

That being said, let’s get into what you actually are here for.

Here are the 5 best hacks to acing any class.


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1. Get on Your Teacher’s Good Side


Hopefully, you’re already doing this. If not, make the conscious effort to form a connection with your teacher.

It doesn’t matter whether your teacher is mean, nice, female, male, old, young….the same principle applies.

This hack is going to vary depending on whether you’re in high school or college.

For lots of high school students, you may already know or be familiar with a lot of the teachers. If that’s the case, then you should make the effort to get to know your teacher by striking up a conversation with him or her about the class.

For college students, you probably won’t already know your professor. At the beginning of the semester (preferably on the first day), go up to the professor and introduce yourself.

I always make sure to state my name and how excited I am to be taking that teacher’s class. I then go for a big handshake so that the professor knows I’m taking his class seriously.

Always go for the handshake…..that one is a winner!

The idea here is to make the course feel a bit more personal. You want your teacher to know you by name, not as number 101 in a lecture class.


2. Ask for Help


How are you supposed to get an A in a course if they don’t understand the material?! It just makes no sense.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teachers or professors. That’s what they are there for.

They want to see you succeed, and I promise they are willing to help you along the way.

Whether it’s setting up a tutoring session with the teacher or going to after-school office hours, asking for help when you are struggling will be the best way to get over the hump.

I promise you that once you ask for clarification on material you don’t understand, that light bulb moment will happen! #MindBlown

Once you’re over that hurdle, you will have a better path towards succeeding in the class!

Teachers don’t bite…I swear!


3. Plan Like Your Life Depends On It


Procrastination is the enemy of an A+. Waiting to cram all your homework and assignments until the last minute is only hurting you.

When you leave coursework to the last second, you are sacrificing work quality.

Quality is what gets the A.

Getting used to planning ahead will make you study life a whole lot easier.

I like to get a study planner to help me organize my week and months as far as major assignments and coursework.

If you are used to procrastinating, this may be the hardest hack for you.

But…it’s not impossible.

Start training yourself to work ahead in increments. First, look a day ahead. Then, look a few days ahead. After you’ve mastered that, you’ll find yourself being able to plan weeks or even months in advance. I know it sounds crazy….but it’s  true!

This is by far one of the best tips for achieving an A in a class. Working ahead means turning in assignments that are naturally higher quality.

Your teachers will notice that….and you’ll enjoy the rewards!


4. Don’t Wing It


This one may sound self-explanatory, but it’s the one that bites us in the butt the most.

Do NOT wing it. I repeat….do NOT wing it.

In order to get an A in any course, you have to actually study. Yeah….that’s right. I know it sucks….but that’s reality!

Only a tiny slither of people can get away with not studying and end up with an A. I’m talking a very small slither. 

Most people can’t.

If a teacher assigns homework, it’s for a reason. If a teacher assigns a test, it’s for a reason.

Don’t try and take the easy way out by winging everything.

You will only see results if you put in the work.

This doesn’t mean that you have to study 24/7. There are amazing ways to increase study productivity that will give you more free time than you ever thought.

Here’s my article on Study Productivity that goes hand in hand with this hack.

So many people think that studying equals no life.

I promise you that is NOT the case.

You can enjoy lots of free time all while acing your courses.


5. Take Notes Folks


In order to ace a class, you have to have a solid collection of notes that you can refer to for any and every assignment or test.

This means paying attention in class and writing down important information.

Some students choose to take notes on their computer. Others go old-school and jot down on paper.

Only you know what works best for you. The important thing is not to get distracted by online shopping if you use a laptop (we’re all guilty of this one!).

The major takeaway here is this: don’t just snooze in class.

The more you pay attention the take notes, the better you’ll be able to study for the assignments in the class.

Notes= A Better Grade 😊

Guys and gals, there ya go. Those are the top 5 hacks you need to be doing to ace any class.

If you’re in the slumps right now, don’t worry. There is always a way out.

There are people around you always willing to help. Ask for help and make the effort.

You will see improvements.

Sometimes, it’s the small changes in our study habits that make the biggest difference.

Start implementing these 5 hacks, and I can almost guarantee you’ll start to see gradual improvements.

You can do it! I believe in you!

That being said…..get studying and go get that A+!

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[…] For more on how to be a successful student, read my post on How to Ace Any Class. […]

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